Today we said farewell to Shari who is leaving Brighton for Nancy Gilgoff’s Berlin workshop and then on to other adventures. We’ve been very fortunate to have her assisting Sarah over the last two summers.
There was a good turn out at the coffee shop as you can see from the pics uploaded to the gallery.
Shari got a fancy new digital camera with memory card and case which will do her nicely on her travels – Nomadic yogis gotta travel light.
We’ve been rocking out lately to the sounds of Mc Yogi and his Elephant Power CD as super fresh Ganesh is not only the overcomer of obstacles (he’s also the placer of obstacles, but lets ignore that for the minute) he’s also the lord of beginnings. We wish Shari well.
Check out the Ganesh Gayatri:
tatpurusay vidmahe
vakratundaya dhimahi
Tanno dantih pracodayat
May we know this supreme person
May we meditate upon the elephant faced god
May the one with the broken tusk impel us
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