Laurene shares her experience of attending a Brighton workshop with Joe London, who encourages us just to let go in order to feel the sense of liberation and oneness that is bliss.
Author Archive | Laurene Anstee
A mindful approach to Ashtanga Yoga at Samye Ling
Written by: Laurene Anstee on 19th April 2015 | 1 Comments
This week Laurene returns with a guest blog sharing her search for a mindful approach to Ashtanga Yoga at Samye Ling Tibetan Monestary in Scotland.
Letting go with Kino in Dubai
Written by: Laurene Anstee on 25th January 2015 | 0 Comments
Laurene Anstee shares her experience of attending a 2-day Ashtanga yoga workshop in Dubai with the one and only Kino MacGregor, and explains why letting go has never felt so good.