a small victory

Last week I managed to bind without help (on my good side) in Marichyasana D for the first time! I remember the first time I did this asana – It was excrutiating and continued to be rather painful for about a year. In those early days I kept having to be reminded to breathe. Breathing does make everything easier ; )

It often feels like there are long plateaux in my practice, where things don’t seem to change. This can be disheartening particularly when I’m feeling impatient and frustrated. So I’m sharing my small victory as it’s given me a little hope and reminded me that things do change.


One Response to a small victory

  1. gstar
    gstar 20th May 2008 at 9:14 pm #

    I thought I’d leave a comment on this post which I wrote 6 months ago.

    It’s taken about 6 months to get to the point where I can bind without help in Marichyasana D on most days. This is no small victory after all. It’s just down to not giving up and not trying too hard.

    Keep practicing!


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