I recently discovered David Williams’ website: Asthanga Yogi. David for anyone new to Ashtanga is one of the first Westerners to learn directly from Pattabhi Jois in the early 70’s. He has over 30 years of uninterrupted daily practice and teaching. To quote directly from his website: ‘David is responsible for teaching the Ashtanga Yoga […]
Why oh why?
Why do I get out of bed at 5.45 each day? Why do I contort and twist my body in a hot and sweaty room? Why do I make my body hurt, deliberately? Why? Well maybe you could tell me why you do, but I’ll tell you a bit about why I do…. I’ve simply […]

Nancy Gilgoff – workshop notes
Louise shares some of her notes from a workshop with Nancy Gilgoff in Berlin in September, and why her approach may seem strange at first, but actually makes perfect sense.
Sweet tooth
I’ve noticed over the last year or so that I’ve been practicing Mysore style classes regularly (on average 3 times a week) that I’ve developed a rather sweet tooth. Has anyone else had experience of this? Perhaps I’m just making excuses to guzzle lots of cake, and chocolate brownies ; ) I also found that […]
Goodbye Mr Joseph
On Friday we sadly said goodbye to Mr Joseph who has been guest teaching at the Brighton Natural Health Centre. For me it was a great month and I did as much practice as I could. I particularly enjoyed doing Utthita Hasta as Joseph is rather tall! The other highlight was getting really stuck into […]