Yesturday I had a “power failure” during morning practice. I did my usual 10 Surya Namaskar’s and just lost power. I was aching from Sunday’s led primary anyway but all of a sudden I couldn’t get a deep breath and my breathing was erratic – a sure sign that’s something is up. I eased up […]
Lovely shoulders
This was Dylan Bernstein’s comment after Shari’s led primary practice on Sunday morning. You see I have rather tight shoulders and I was having a bit of a whinge about it. I guess it was just one of those mornings. The led practice was great until we got to Urdhva Dhanurasana and I could hardly […]
David Keil Ashtanga workshop
Here are my notes from David Keil’s workshop held 2 weeks ago in East Grinstead, held at the lovely Yoga Akasha studio. Shari Berman and Sue went along from Brighton. Thanks again for the lift Sue 😉 Scott from Yoga Sessions (Stillpoint Yoga London) organised the workshop. David started by saying that the practice was […]

Anyone know a tabla/djembe player for musical yoga?
If anyone fancies trying out a practice to music one day, my partner Jon is a guitarist and willing to provide some live accompaniment. A tabla or djembe would be a perfect fit too!
The finger pointing at the moon…
day potluck! Sorry I couldn’t resist the title! A big thank you to Shari and Elaine for hosting the latest moon day potluck. It was well attended. I counted 14 in total. Jane gets a prize for her chocolate brownies… ooooh! Paul also gets a prize for most “avant garde” dish – cashew dates, dipped […]
My first Yoga class
I’m a little behind as usual with the blogging so this is about 10 days old now: Sunday a week ago I took my first Yoga class. Hannah and I were at her family’s farm near Hastings. The get together was organised to scatter her Grandfather’s ashes. There were more than 15 family members gathered […]