Kino Macgregor led an inspiring workshop at Triyoga in London last weekend. This asana demonstration was part of the Friday night session which included chanting and Q & A. I filmed 10 minutes of her demo which I’ve broken up into five parts. Saturday consisted of a 2 hour led primary with around 75 people […]
I did it! I dropped back!
This last week on the second day of the new lunar cycle (Wed 11th August) I dropped back on my own 3 times. 9 months ago I was really struggling with this – You can read all about it here. Overcoming the fear of dropping back is without a doubt the most difficult obstacle I’ve […]
Essential Ashtangi reading
With the imminent (er, slightly delayed, Amazon!) UK release of Guruji by Guy Donahaye and Eddie Stern it seems fitting to write a post on essential Ashtangi reading. There are loads of books about Ashtanga yoga. For example you may want to know: ‘The correct vinyasa count for Surya Namaskar B’ or ‘who or what […]
Local Handmade Yoga Mat Bags
I’m Clare, owner of DevonRed. I live in the heart of sunny Devon and my chin is nowhere near my shin in a forward bend..! Tell us a little about DevonRed and its beginnings DevonRed came into being after I had finally crammed my yoga mat into a drawstring tube one last time. I set […]
Buddhafield 2010
Well it’s been just over a week now since we got back from Buddhafield festival and time for that blog post I promised! You may also be interested in my previous posts on Buddhafield festival: Buddhafield 2008 – Connecting with abundance and Buddhafield 2009. This year was a particularly special festival for us as Hannah’s […]

David Williams workshop, Triyoga, 15-18 July
Fancy coming to this workshop with David Williams at Triyoga, London, 15th-18th July? Book now!