I found this awesome video clip of Russell doing Karandavasana from intermediate series. Inspiring stuff!
Author Archive | Guy
Ashtanga Brighton refresh
Hello Brighton Ashtangis! As some of you may have noticed over the weekend I’ve been working on updating the design on Ashtanga Brighton. I’m fitting the redesign around my other projects so it’s work in progress and should be complete over the coming week or two. Please feel free to comment if you have any […]
Krishnamacharya video
I found this pretty awesome classic 1938 video of Krishnamacharya demonstrating Yoga and Pranayama. For those who don’t know Krishnamacharya is generally regarded as the forefather of Modern Yoga. His students included Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois and his son TKV Desikachar.
Ashtanga Brighton gallery
Hi Ashtangis I’ve finally got some of the images from the two photo sessions earlier in March onto the all new Ashtanga Brighton gallery. I’ve also started an Ashtanga Brighton flickr group so anyone can add their own pics and leave comments. Have a great Easter everyone, and see you at practice next week. Namaste […]
Ashtanga paparazzi, or not!
Hello Brighton Ashtangis. As some of you may have noticed I’ve been waving a camera around the practice room at bnhc this week. Sarah asked me to take some shots for her website. So it seemed like an opportune time to also start a picture gallery on the Ashtanga Brighton website. Here’s a little bit […]
Maintaining a committed practice
In January the gyms are all packed with people working out there new years resolutions. So most are probably off to a flying start to the year. Come March there’ll be tumble weed blowing across the circuit training area, I’m exaggerating slightly for effect here : ) I’m in my 2nd year of Mysore style […]